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Online Classes

  • Hatha Yoga - Season 1
    Hatha 30 ‘ Move from your bones’ View Class
    Hatha 29 ‘ A quiet practice’ View Class
    Hatha 28 ‘Here, now, for YOU’ View Class
    Hatha 27 ‘ A joyful Practice’ View Class
    Insights to 2 bandha’s (short practical and theoretical info talk for a greater Hatha practice. You will love it!) View Class
    Hatha 26 ‘Still the whirlwinds’ View Class
    Hatha 25 ‘Yoga for the season of summer and the fire element’ View Class
    Hatha 24 ‘The joy of free flow and movement’ View Class
    Hatha 23 with Amy View Class
    Hatha 22 with Rachel View Class
    Hatha 21 A spring practice View Class
    Hatha 20 with Amy View Class
    Hatha 19 View Class
    Hatha 18 with Suzi View Class
    Hatha 17 View Class
    Hatha 16 View Class
    Hatha 15 with Lou View Class
    Hatha 14 – A gentle practice with Sally View Class
    Hatha 13 with Suzi ‘Shifting Energy’ View Class
    Hatha 12 View Class
    Gentle Hatha 11 with Sally View Class
    Hatha 10 View Class
    Hatha 9 View Class
    Hatha 8 – A gentle class with Sally View Class
    Hatha 7 View Class
    Hatha 6 – with Danae View Class
    Hatha 5 – Integrity Practice View Class
    Hatha 4 – Lightness & Joy View Class
    Hatha 3 View Class
    Hatha 2 – Gratitude Practice View Class
    Hatha 1 View Class
  • Yin Yoga - Season 1
    Yin 40 ‘Feeling Your Chi’ View Class
    Yin 39 ‘Sensations’ View Class
    Yin 38 ‘An Autumn Practice’ View Class
    Yin 37 ‘Be present and groove with what You need’ View Class
    Yin 36 ‘Moving from your bones’ View Class
    Yin 35 ‘What to feel in Yin’ View Class
    Yin 34 ‘Connection inside to outside, outside to inside’ View Class
    Yin 33 ‘Yin for the summer season’ View Class
    Yin 32 View Class
    Yin and how to breathe (no full class but education on how to breathe in your Yin yoga practice) View Class
    Yin 31 ‘Feel You! Listen to you!’ View Class
    Yin and Spinal education (No full class but insights to how to keep a healthy spine) View Class
    Yin 30 ‘A practice towards freedom for You’ View Class
    Yin 29 with Danae “Upper Body and Spine” View Class
    Yin 28 “I am grateful for being me” View Class
    Yin 27 with Rachel View Class
    Yin 26 – Spring Practice (a loving FYI, the sound is a bit funky up to 7 mins, then as per normal, but i really wanted you to have this spring practice so no time to fix it up. Mysan x) View Class
    Yin 25 with Amy View Class
    Yin 24 View Class
    Yin 23 View Class
    Yin 22 View Class
    Yin 21 with Suzi View Class
    Yin 20 View Class
    Yin 19 with Lou View Class
    Yin 18 View Class
    Yin 17 with Danae View Class
    Yin 16 View Class
    Yin 15 with Danae View Class
    Yin 14 View Class
    Yin 13 with Suzi View Class
    Yin 12 View Class
    Yin 11 with Danae View Class
    Yin 10 with Sally View Class
    Yin 9 View Class
    Yin 8 with Amy View Class
    Yin 7 – Light Within View Class
    Yin 6 View Class
    Yin 5 – Present Moment View Class
    Yin 4 View Class
    Yin 3 – Nurturing the Pelvis View Class
    Yin 2 View Class
    Yin 1 View Class
  • Yin Yang
    A Yin and Hatha class ‘A Good Morning Practice’ View Class
    Yin Yang ‘Connection Practice’ View Class
    Yin Yang with Amy ‘A cleansing practice’ View Class
    Yin Yang 7 with Amy “Deep Front Line” View Class
    Yin Yang 6 View Class
    Yin Yang 5 View Class
    Yin Yang 4 View Class
    Yin Yang 3 View Class
    Yin Yang 2 View Class
    Yin Yang 1 View Class
  • Yoga Nidra
    Yoga Nidra 2 View Class
    Yoga Nidra 1 View Class
  • Meditation & Chanting
    Chanting ‘Om Gan Ghana Pataje Namaha’ w Suzi (perfect before a meditation or post a yoga asana class) View Class
    Chanting ‘Lokah Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu’ with Suzi – a perfect pre-meditation practice View Class
    Beginners Meditation no 3. Duration 20 minutes View Class
    Guided Savasana Online Classes Guided Savasana 2 View Class
    Guided Savasana Online Classes Guided Savasana 1 View Class
    How To – Tips on Meditation View Class
    Beginners Meditation no 2. Duration 16 minutes View Class
    Beginners Meditation no 1. Duration 10 minutes View Class
    Yang Pranayama So Hum Meditation View Class
    Viloma Pranayama Meditation View Class
    Yang Pranayama Ham Saa Meditation View Class
    Yin Pranayama So Hum Meditation View Class
  • Short & Sweet
    Short and Sweet Hatha w Mascha ‘Less poses to stop and smell the roses’ View Class
    Short and Sweet Hatha w Mascha ‘Hatha for Energy and Vitality’ View Class
    Short and Sweet w Mascha Yin ‘Feel good Yin’ View Class
    Short and Sweet Yin with Mascha ‘The Yinstant Reset View Class
    Hatha 28 w Mysan. A Short & Sweet ‘How down is your dog?’ View Class
    Short & Sweet Hatha with Mysan ‘Free your Lymph & Lung Practice’ View Class
    Yin Short & Sweet ‘Releasing front and back body’ View Class
    Hatha Short & Sweet – Moving in and out, front and back :) View Class
    YIN Short & Sweet ‘Releasing front and back body’ View Class
    Yin Short & Sweet ‘Invigorate your diaphragm’ View Class
    Hatha 17 Short & Sweet for Balance View Class
    Short & Sweet Yin w Suzi “Yin release after intense exercise” View Class
    Short and Sweet Hatha w Suzi ‘ A morning practice to wake up your beautiful body with’ View Class
    Short and Sweet Hatha ‘ For Joy and Happiness Sun Salutations’ View Class
    Short & Sweet Yin ‘Yin yoga for the upper spine’ View Class
    Short & Sweet ‘Hatha Yoga for tired feet’ View Class
    Short and Sweet Yin for Legs and Hips View Class
    Short and Sweet – Yin for your shoulders View Class
    Short and Sweet Yin 5 View Class
    Short and Sweet Yin 4 View Class
    Short and Sweet Hatha 3 View Class
    Short and Sweet Hatha 2 View Class
    Short and Sweet Hatha 1 View Class
  • How To
    How to – Tree Pose View Class
    How to – Dancers Pose View Class
    How to – Hand to Foot Pose View Class
    How to – Pachimottanasana (seated forward fold) View Class
    How to – Down Dog View Class
    How to use a sandbag in Yin View Class
    How To Chaturanga Dandasana View Class
    How To – Tips on Meditation View Class
    How to – Yoga Language View Class
    How to – Yin Shoelace View Class
    How to – Yin Forward Folds View Class
    How to – Virabhadrasana 2 (Warrior 2) View Class
    How to – Yin Dragon View Class
    How to – Yin Saddle and Variations View Class
    How To Navigate This Site! View Class
    How to – Hasta & Pada Bandha View Class
    How to – Sit in Meditation View Class
    How to – Ujjayi Breath View Class
    How to – Savasana View Class
    How to – Mula, Uddiyana & Jalandara Bandha View Class
    How to – Tadasana (Mountain Pose) View Class
  • Hatha Yoga - Season 2
    Hatha 30 with Fiona ‘An extension practice – The sacred stream’ View Class
    Hatha 29 with Fiona ‘Receive Universal Energy’ View Class
    Hatha 28 w Mysan. A Short & Sweet ‘How down is your dog?’ View Class
    Hatha 27 with Danae – Give Space and Love to Your Whole Being View Class
    Hatha 26 with Fiona. A lateral practice for Parivritta Trikonasana ‘Opening the door back to you’ View Class
    Hatha 25 with Fiona ‘Shake it up. Kapha Reducing Practice’ View Class
    Hatha 24 with Mascha ‘Yoga for Stronger Immunity’ View Class
    Hatha 23 ‘The Joy of Movement and Breath’ View Class
    Hatha 22 with Mascha ‘Pulse of Life’ View Class
    Yin 26 with Mascha ‘Block Party Yin’ View Class
    Hatha 21 with Fiona ‘A centring practice’ View Class
    A Yin and Hatha class ‘A Good Morning Practice’ View Class
    Hatha 20 Summer – Heart & Fire View Class
    Hatha 19 With Suzi ‘Lengthen, Strengthen & Unite’ View Class
    Hatha 18 ‘Energising Flow’ with Danae View Class
    Hatha 17 Short & Sweet for Balance View Class
    Hatha 16 with Danae ‘Slowing it down with Half Moon’ View Class
    Hatha 15 with Amy ‘How to stay grounded with Tree Pose’ View Class
    Hatha 14 ‘Moving from your heart space’ View Class
    Hatha 13 with Amy ‘A relaxing practice perfect for an evening or a slow morning ‘ View Class
    Hatha 12 ‘An invigorating practice that stimulates your core’ View Class
    Hatha 11 ‘Just right’ and ps. enjoy the giggle, who knew you could walk on your sit bones!!?!! View Class
    Hatha 10 ‘Rinse out negatives, bring in the positivity’ View Class
    Hatha 9 with Suzi ‘A slow yet powerful practice nurturing the nervous system’ View Class
    Hatha 8 ‘A heating and nourishing winter practice’ View Class
    Mysan 7 Hatha ‘Saluting the moon, a gentle flow’ View Class
    Hatha 6 ‘Lymphatic Stimulation’ (we had a mic glitch and the sound is a bit echoey, but the sequence is fantastic so I’m sharing it with you anyway!) View Class
    Hatha 5 with Danae ‘Feel your practice and move towards Garudasana’ View Class
    Hatha 4 ‘Honouring Yourself’ View Class
    Hatha 3 ‘Put a spring into your step’ (working with your foot fascia and its continuity through your body) View Class
    Hatha 2 with Danae ‘ Twisting into dancers pose’ View Class
    Short and Sweet Hatha w Suzi ‘ A morning practice to wake up your beautiful body with’ View Class
    Hatha 1 ‘A gentle practice’ Season 2 View Class
  • Yin Yoga - Season 2
    Yin 30 with Mysan ‘Challenge your limits rather than limit your challange’ View Class
    Yin 29 with Danae “Ahimsa, The Path to Self Compassion” View Class
    Yin 28 with Suzi – Spring practice – We are Stardust View Class
    Yin 27 with Danae ‘A Heartfelt Practice’ View Class
    Yin 26 with Mascha ‘Block Party Yin’ View Class
    Yin 25 ‘Free Your Tissues Practice’ (Yin and some roll and release!) View Class
    A Yin and Hatha class ‘A Good Morning Practice’ View Class
    Yin Short & Sweet ‘Releasing front and back body’ View Class
    Yin 24 ‘Diaphragm Breathing and Shining From Within’ View Class
    Yin 23 w Mascha ‘Yin meet Yang chi’ (PS. if you cannot relax while holding in keyhole/figure 4 pose, please take the wall option) View Class
    Yin 22 Summer Practice – Heart & Fire View Class
    YIN Short & Sweet ‘Releasing front and back body’ View Class
    Yin 21 ‘Feeling your Intentions’ with Danae View Class
    Yin 20 A Powerful Wall Practice View Class
    Yin 19 ‘Loving your Heart Space’ View Class
    Yin 18 with Amy ‘Conscious Breathing’ View Class
    Yin 17 with Danae ‘Gallbladder & Liver Spring Detox’ View Class
    Yin 16 ‘A practice for your neck. Oh you just wait, you will feel amazing and there is way more to your neck…’ View Class
    Yin 15 ‘Releasing issues in the pelvis tissues’ View Class
    Yin 14 ‘ A lovely stress release for you’ View Class
    Yin 13 ‘A winter warming practice’ View Class
    Yin 12 ‘Deep whole body reach’ (perfect post functional training…or really for anyone :) ) View Class
    How to use a sandbag in Yin View Class
    Yin 11 with Danae ‘Melting into tension to release’ View Class
    Yin 10 ‘ Drishti Point (your focus point)’ Heads up! We had a mic glitch so the sound is a bit echoey but the sequence is brilliant so I thought i’d post it for you anyway! View Class
    Yin 9 ‘A deep body flow. Perfect after training!’ View Class
    Yin 8 ‘Connection’ View Class
    Yin 7 ‘A leg sequence to balance your right and left sides’ View Class
    Yin 6 ‘A practice for your feet’ (Oh you just wait, there is so much more to your feet that you can ever imagine!!) View Class
    Yin 5 with Danae ‘Leaving Autumn, getting ready for winter’ View Class
    Yin 4 ‘Feel your physical purpose’ View Class
    Short & Sweet Yin w Suzi “Yin release after intense exercise” View Class
    Yin 3 ‘Keep it simple and soften down inside’ View Class
    Yin 2 ‘A taste of Ishvara Pranidhana while in practice’ View Class
    Yin 1 ‘A gratitude practice’ View Class
  • Seminars and Workshops
    Asana Lab 1 View Class
    Inflammation Seminar View Class
    Ujjayi pranayama Workshop View Class
    Insights to 2 bandha’s (short practical and theoretical info talk for a greater Hatha practice. You will love it!) View Class
    Yin and how to breathe (no full class but education on how to breathe in your Yin yoga practice) View Class
    Yin and Spinal education (No full class but insights to how to keep a healthy spine) View Class
  • Yin Yoga - Season 3
    Yin w Mysan ‘Doing a Wall Practice’ View Class
    Yin 12 w Mysan ‘Feeling our Qi’ View Class
    Yin 11 w Mysan ‘Stimulating the Respiratory System’ View Class
    Yin 10 w Mysan ‘A beautiful release for YOU and your upper spine and neck – ENJOY!’ View Class
    Yin 9 w Sally. Yin, patience and box breathing View Class
    Yin 8 w Mysan – A grounding practice. Feeling your whole body. View Class
    Yin 7 w Katie ‘A Practice of Gratitude’ View Class
    Yin 6 w Mysan ‘From toes to fingers, invigorate from surface to the deep’ View Class
    Yin 5 w Mysan ‘Invite a willingness to FEEL’ View Class
    Yin 4 with Katie ‘Tension & Relaxation’ View Class
    Yin 3 w Mysan ‘A practice for late summer’ View Class
    Yin 2 with Mysan ‘Exploring body lines and balance in and beyond your Being’ View Class
    Yin 1 w Mysan ‘Back to Basics! Some of the profound original Yin poses explored deeply!’ View Class
  • Hatha Yoga - Season 3
    Hatha 10 w Mysan ‘Moving from our Heart with our Heart’ View Class
    Hatha 9 w Mysan ‘A Gentle Flow’ View Class
    Hatha 8 w Mysan ‘Finding the Sense of Stillness’ View Class
    Hatha 7 w Mysan ‘A practice for a lift in lifeforce energy’ View Class
    Hatha 6 w Mysan ‘A practice for when you don’t really want to practice’ Let’s mosey! And we will have a giggle as a treat! View Class
    Hatha 5 w Sally. A gentle practice towards patience, in union with breath. View Class
    Hatha 4 w Mysan – a grounding and balancing practice. Growing roots. View Class
    Hatha 3 w Fiona. Reset your nervous system – Asana, Pranayama, Yoga Nidra and Meditation View Class
    Hatha 2 w Danae. ‘Finding strength with ease – sthira sukham asanam’ View Class
    Hatha 1 with Mysan ‘A Drishti Point practice – Your One Point of Focus’ View Class

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